Team Intro
The first day, we have the following points to tackle:
- Teams will be assigned immediately after the Intro Webinar and announced in the Slack channel.
- Creation of your team Slack channel and connect with your Team Facilitator.
Once all has been set, it is time to connect on Slack and present ourselves. The idea is simple; each one introduces themselves. You can follow this list for ideas:
Your Name
Previous Hackathon Experience
Fun Fact
Team Spirit
Hey there, I'm Frank, a seasoned coder with over 1 year of experience. My coding toolkit includes Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. In my last hackathon, I led a team to create a data visualization tool for social impact. I'm thrilled to dive into new challenges and push my coding boundaries here. Rest assured, I'm fully available during the hackathon, ready to code around the clock. On a lighter note, I'm an aspiring coffee connoisseur—always in pursuit of the perfect brew. Let's bring our coding magic together and make this hackathon unforgettable!
- Time to move very fast to the next step: select your Team Name.